Creative Alignment Music Group

Creative Alignment Music Group

Where passion and desire connect with knowledge and skill

Foster the perfect environment,
collaboration or project.
We are able to effectively create when we have foundational understanding of our craft and when we are genuinely connected with others who share in our expressions.

Creative Alignment Music Group extends across multiple media platforms, creating opportunities to develop and support talent while uniquely aligning music with community.

It is our goal to bring all aspects of the creative process together to serve Artists with the tools, resources, education and exposure needed to build rewarding careers.


Sessions are held Virtually

Vocal Coaching

Customized sessions that focus on techniques to master technical and artistic proficiency in multiple musical and vocal styles.


Present your song or idea and receive one-on-one guidance to help cultivate your sound and take your songwriting to the next level.

Music Business Consult

Guidance to help you understand the business behind the music you love and create, and how to protect yourself in the industry.

Development Program

CA Music Group’s Development program is a step by step guide of the creative and business processes of music and explores topics from many angles that gives an in-depth and informed understanding of the industry.

Upcoming Events

Creative Workshop

December 2024 - NYC

Supportive platform for Artists to connect with the Creative Community, gain inspiration and showcase their work.


Upcoming Events

Creative Workshop

January 2025 - NYC

Supportive platform for Artists to connect with the Creative Community, gain inspiration and showcase their work.

Upcoming Events

Creative Workshop

December 2024 - NYC

Supportive platform for Artists to connect with the Creative Community, gain inspiration and showcase their work.


Upcoming Events

Creative Workshop

December 2024 - NYC

Supportive platform for Artists to connect with the Creative Community, gain inspiration and showcase their work.

Collaborative Creative Network

Curating one-of-a-kind experiences that create meaningful connections and celebrates the power of music, collaboration and creative expression.

Our team of expert musicians, vocalists and producers work together to bring you the best quality event services.

Acoustic sets • Galas • Festivals and more

Join our mailing list for updates, special offers and more.

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